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Interviewing Victor Espigares: The one behind visualizeus.com

Creators behind yensdesign.com are entrepreneurs and We love entrepreneurs, We love people who try to create something whatever they want and We will try to know more about these kind of people. Because we consider very interesting to know the people behind the scenes, those that spent lot of time in front of their PC to realize their projects. That’s the main reason to begin a new kind of articles: interviews with entrepreneurs.
So guys say hello to Victor Espigares the creator of visualizeus and the first entrepreneurs interviewed in yensdesign.com!
Hi and thanks for your time Víctor, could you please give a brief introduction about yourself to the readers of yensdesign?
Hi, I’m Victor Espigares, a software engineer from Spain, and the one behind vi.sualize.us, a social bookmarking site for images.
Now go to the interesting part … Which is your favorite food?
Good question. I think my favourite food is fried koala. But, and this is very important, without spices. Spices ruin all the tasty flavour of a good fried koala. Please if someone is planning to surprise me in my birthday with some fried koala, pay attention: I will throw it to your face if it’s cooked with spices. No offense.
Music style?
I only sing in the shower, but thanks for asking. I can’t define very well my own music style, I think it depends on the day and the kind of shower, but people used to compared me with Michael Jackson. In his black stage, of course.
Favourite colour?
The fried koala.
Let’s begin with the freak part… What’s your favourite project in wich you have worked?
Easy question: visualizeus.com! But I should say my heart is broken in two: Fregocles (www.fregocles.com) is also the apple of my eye.
What browser and operating system are you using?
My browser of choice is Opera, but I also use Firefox for web develop. It has a lot of useful extensions for developers. Mostly both of them are open all the time, although Opera has the tab record of course. I’m kind of a tab freak!
In the other hand I’m almost OS agnostic. I have Linux in the work and OS X and Windows at home. For working I feel comfortable with a terminal under my hand, no matter the OS. Visualizeus is mostly developed with vim (yes, it also has tabs!)
Why visualizeus.com?
Why not?
I just can say that the need and the idea caught me with plenty of time and willpower, it wasn’t something foreseen. Probably in other circumstances visualizeus.com wouldn’t exist. Ironically, at the beginning I was reluctant to develop “yet another social site”. That was why the first version was develop as a delicious extension, but soon enough I realized that an extension was something too limited for what I have in mind for the project. Don’t want to bored you with all that “conquer the world” stuff, really.
Are you still working in visualizeus.com only on your free time?
Yes. My parents didn’t recognize me this Christmas.
What project are you currently working?
vi.sualize.us, Fregocles and my other projects for personal enrichment, photography and so on.
Do you think Web 2.0 has given everything it has to give?
I don’t know. Are we in the 3.0 already? I’ve really lost the count.
What’s the meaning of usability for you?
Something I can use without realized I’ve learnt to use it. Simplicity in its sake. Focus on the user, not in the software.
Usability is something that all developers should have in mind 24/7. And beware not to think of you as “the user”!
Thank you so much one more time Víctor and simply ask you: Want to add something more to readers of yensdesign?
Thanks to you, and keep rocking with yensdesign!
And that’s all guys! Thanks Victor for your time and good luck with your projects, keep the good work!
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From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.