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Interviewing Fabio Sasso: From Abduzeedo & Zee

Hey guys! Here we go with our second interview. This time we are interviewing Fabio Sasso a brazilian graphic/web designer and blogger. He is the founder of Abduzeedo and co-founder with Fabiano Meneghetti of a design company called Zee, in Brazil. Because we admire his quality on web design, we wanted to know more about him so we have interviewed him.
Hi and thanks for your time Fabio, could you please give a brief introduction about yourself to the readers of yensdesign.com?
I’m a graphic and web designer from Porto Alegre, very south of Brazil. I’ve been working professionally as web designer since 1999, back in the day, it was the very first beginning of the internet in my town. I have a degree in graphic design, even though I didnt give much attention to my classes now I believe they were really important for my formation.
Now go to the interesting part … Which is your favorite food?
I love pasta, I think that’s because my italian heritage, but my favorite food is Churrasco, a sort of barbecue pretty typical from the part of Brazil I live. If you want to know exactly what I’m talking about check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churrasco
Music style?
I’m very eclectic when it comes to music, I like Bossa Nova, which is a very brazilian music style, a lot, but I love the music style from the 80′s also a hip hop and punk rock, it depends on my mood.
Favourite colour?
I like black, and mix them with the classic RGB. I think black is very elegant and simple.
What browser and operating system are you using?
I use firefox 3 with a macbook pro, the unibody one, which I love , even though firefox sometimes gets really sluggish. But now with the fasterfox extension it seems much faster and reliable when working with 30+ tabs opened.
Why did You start zee studio?
I was tired of working for other people, pretty much because I knew that I could give more in terms of ideas and solutions. All the companies I had worked for always did exactly what the client wanted even when the client didnt have a clue about what was right or wrong. That’s why I decided to start Zee. Even today we follow a lot the 37signals model. I think it’s a matter of choice and we feel happy with our option.
What do you usually do in your free time?
My free time I work on my personal projects like playing with photoshop and other tools, also I like to watch some TV shows like House MD, X-files, and heroes. Going to the movies is another thing I really like to do. Then on the weekends it’s time to surf. I go to the beach pretty much every weekend.
What project are you currently working?
I’m working on several projects, but one of the most important is the new Abduzeedo site, which I’m working with my brother and the other abduzeedo writers. We want to deliver a nice site, simple, elegant and fast.
Do you think Web 2.0 has given everything It has to give?
No, I think there’s much more to come. We’ve seen a lot of sites focused on the user participation but I think now that will become much more specific, like very specific audiences, and niches.
What’s the meaning of usability for you?
I think it’s the most important thing but it depends on the goals of your project. Of course it has to be good on all sorts of sites, but sometimes you have more freedom for innovation while others you have to follow the rules. One example is a site we’ve been working on, that is for a pharmaceutical company. The target audience is pretty diverse, from all sorts of types so we have to follow the conventions otherwise the site won’t be easy to use for a lot of potential clients, and that’s not good.
Thank you so much one more time Fabio and simply ask you: Want to add something more to readers of yensdesign?
I’d like to thank you very much for the opportunity, it was great to answering the questions and visit my blog abduzeedo.com
And that’s all guys. Thank you so much one more time Fabio and good luck with your projects!
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We available for hire! — Need help with a web or mobile project?
From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.
Great Interview!
Thank you Estevão
I just want to say that I’m a fan of Fabio
Keep the good work!