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Speeding Up Your Website: Optimizing PNGs images

Hey guys! We continue the serie of Speeding Up Your Website with a new article focused on the optimization of PNGs images.
We are going to learn how to reduce the file size of our PNGs images without losing quality, removing these chunks of information that we won’t need to display the images.
We will use pngcrush for our purposes but we will share with you other alternatives.
Actually we have published these articles:
- Minimize HTTP Requests
- Selecting the Right Format for your Images
- Optimizing JPEG images
- Optimizing PNGs images
- Optimizing GIFs images
Let’s go guys!
Optimizing with pngcrush
As we said at the introduction, PNGs images store innecesary information that we will remove to reduce the file size without losing quality. There are many tools but we will use pngcrush to strip all these unneeded bytes.
We can use this command:
[code language="php"] > pngcrush -rem alla -brute -reduce original_image.png final_image.png [/code]
Let’s analyze some of these options that we have used:
- -rem will remove all unnecesary bytes but keeps the one for transparency.
- -reduce will try to remove unused colors from the palette.
- -brute will try over a lot of methods for optimization. It’s slower and most of cases doesn’t improve much… but you know if you are using it in offline it will be good to try it. Remove this option in “online” and performance-sensitive scenarios.
Are we being paranoid with image optimization?
I think optimization must be another rule for web development but certainly sometimes we don’t have time enough to acomplish it. But reading some performance blogs like yui blog from Yahoo we can see that optimization matters:
Running this command -pngcrush- on the PNGs found on Alexa’s top 10 sites gives us an average file size reduction of 16.05%. This means you can easily strip weight off your PNG images, save bandwidth and disk space and improve load times, without sacrificing quality and without even touching a single line of application code.
Need more reasons?
Alternatives to pngcrush
We have done an example with pngcrush but there are other great alternatives that you can try by yourself like:
In addition, you must try different options for all these commands to know what kind of configuration is the best for you and your scenario. But fortunately there is a lot of information and in most of cases you will find your best option in seconds by using google.
And that’s all guys! Thank you one more time for reading our posts and see you on next tutorial!
Don’t forget follow us on twitter and visit our forums!
The 642-524 tutorial will provide complete information on optimizing pngs images for your web project. Download the 640-721 guide and 350-029 tutorial to learn useful web applications to improve your website.
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From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.
Great article Adrián!
But I found an error in this and others articles:
I think it is “Optimizing JPEG images” and not “Optimizing JEPG images”.
Oops! You are right Estevao! My fail, thanks for all!
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great once again a great optimization tip
@Yoosuf Thank you so much
Thanks for this tip. I didn’t know pngcrush before but after using it on my pngs I will safe bandwith at no cost. Thanks!
Thank you, cause I used Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro to optimize my little PNGs before
What are “purposals”?
Is it different from adobe photoshop “save for web” features?
@Dian Yes it is
Check that out! You can plug this directly into photoshop and overwrite the original PNG output plugin. Saves you a step!
@Dan Great thanks for sharing!
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I was just listening Matt Cutts from Google webmaster and he also said that if you optimize all site, why are you not optimize images, but he was talking about names of images…it is better name for example “your design” like “pic12345″.
Have a nice day
Thanks for this useful information about optimization. It helps a lot. I like your site, very cool and pleasing to the eyes. Keep it up!