Latest Project:
The promotors and developers of are two young men known as Adrián Mato Gondelle and
Iván Guardado Castro that as good lovers of coding, design, web and music decided to create this project.
If you want to contact with us you can do it using the contact section. We will try to respond you as fast as possible ;)
Here you have some screeshots:
About Me
My name is Adrian Mato Gondelle also known as “yEnS” on the internet, I was born in Santiago de Compostela,
(The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, you know?) Spain and I am still living there.
I am currently creating a new startup called Cokidoo focused on creating communities.
By the way, here are some of my personal projects:
- » – daily tutorials about coding and designing websites
- » – an online jukebox
- » – a sports website like digg
Yeah I have a blog too! I was thinking about the possibility of share my knowledge with other people, so I decided to upload a wordpress
system. Now I just write some posts in
You can follow me on twitter via @yensdesign for thoughts
or via @adrianmg for personal things.
Feel free to contact with me by using the form below or just e-mail me directly.