We available for hire! — Need help with a web or mobile project?
From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire!.
Say hello to the new yensdesign.com!

Yes guys! yensdesign.com has been redesigned one more time, but this time a bigger redesign
A few weeks ago I told you that we are going to publish more frequently and we showed you a little redesign, but times change and one more time we are adapting the website to our new purpose: make yensdesign.com bigger, publishing more content.
What’s that? yensdesign.com was designed as a personal website / portfolio for me – Adrián Mato Gondelle – but in last entries, my friend Ivan Guardado Castro contributed actively. So we want to tell you that we are going to make a bigger website with lots of tutorials and tips and other resources about coding and web design.
So guys, say hello to the new theme, I hope you enjoy this new theme and that you can find it useful and better than the old version.
Here you have the redesign process:
We will add some fixes daily to the new design, but only little improvements. What do you think about the new redesign?
See you soon on our next tutorial!
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We available for hire! — Need help with a web or mobile project?
From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.
Testing gravatars…
Me gustaba más el otro, me lo pasaba pipa subiendo las secciones
Pero el actual tampoco tiene mala pinta, creo que es un cambio “a mejor”
@Demiurgo: Claro que sí, y el próximo tutorial lo corroborará
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