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Top 10 free fonts for professional design

Hi there guys! We are starting a new kind of articles called freebies to try to show you free interesting resources for your personal projects. We hope you find it useful and be inspired by these articles
In this first freebie article we will focus on collect the top 10 typefaces around the web that don’t cost money, but with high quality.
Remember guys: Don’t overestimate the importance of typography in design!
Choosing the right font to communicate our message it’s very important but a lot of people miss it. A good typeface can be used to create a great logo, to create a great header, to catch the attention of the reader and more… It’s not only about web design, it’s about your content that should still be pleasing to look at and easy to read on a computer screen or a piece of paper.
It’s our job as designers understand these issues and try to make use of right fonts in each project. So take a look at these 10 great and free fonts that can help us to improve our designing process.
#10: MG Open Moderna
#9: Gentium
Gentium is a typeface family designed to enable the diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin script to produce readable, high-quality publications. It supports a wide range of Latin-based alphabets and includes glyphs that correspond to all the Latin ranges of Unicode.
#8: Pigiarniq
Have you ever known about the existence of Nunavut? A small region in Canada with one of the lowest population rate of the world? Probably not. Only 0,01 people live there per km2, mostly Eskimo. The citizens of Nunabut speak four languages — French, English, Innuinaqtun and Inuktitut. Nothing spectacular so far, right? Few years ago the government of the region has decided to design a new typeface to enable its 28.000 citizens to use all four languages in a uniform manner. The result is a beautiful, rich and professional sans-serif free font. The family includes a bold, heavy, italic, light and regular weights.
#7: Existence Light
A free sans-serif font designed by Yeah Noah. 3 weights — Light, UnicaseLight, StencilLight. OpenType, PC, Mac OS X.
#6: Chúcara
o get the font, contact the designer Juan Pablo De Gregorio or add a comment to the post, explaining, who you are, why are you willing to get the font and how do you intend to use it. The author sends the font via e-mail :s
#5: Lacuna
To download the font enter the Flash page, click on “Glashaus Fonts” in the navigation menu at the top, in the opened page click on [MAC] or [PC] in the left menu to download the font.
#4: Fontin
The Fontin is designed to be used at small sizes. The color is darkish, the spacing loose and the x-height tall. The numbers of the Fontin have a ‘hybrid’ design. They carry the characteristics of medieval numbers, but their size is larger than the x-height. Mac (Type 1), PC (TTF, Opentype).
#3: Fertigo
It’s a bit like Laphroaic; the more you get to know it, the more you’ll (probably) appreciate it. With it’s auto-ligatures (no Open Type programms needed), a complete character set and many other unknown features it can be hard to resist. Regular only. Awesome font guys!
#2: Engel Light Ltd
Sans-Serif, PC, Mac, no special characters available but great font!
#1: Qlassik
One of the best fonts ever seen
And that’s all guys, the most of this fonts were found at this Smashingmagazine article, see you on next post!
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From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.
[...] 10 fuentes gratis para diseño profesional. vía: yensdesign [...]
Really great…
I love themmm…
Thank….Nice collection sneh… I helped alot for me… Thank again
freelance alliance…
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