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Interviewing David Ferriz: From DevilishGames

Hi there guys! Today I wanna show you a new interview to a very special person: David Ferriz. It’s special for different reasons, he is from spain as me, spanish a digital artist that I met long time ago in some forums and it’s special because I I have followed his career from scratch and now he is co founder of a development games company: DevilishGames.
DevilishGames, founded in 1998 by David Ferriz and Fran Ferriz (Spain, Alicante), is a team devoted to the creation of video games. It was created with the objective of designing games which are original, artistic and with a personality so as to approach as many people as possible to our games.
Hi and thanks for your time David, could you please give a brief introduction about yourself to the readers of yensdesign.com?
My name is David Ferriz, was born in Alicante in 1982. I studied art and illustration, and I am one of the founders of the video game development studio DevilishGames.
Now go to the interesting part … Which is your favorite food?
I love chicken, cooked in any way. I also love Italian food… especially because it is very easy to cook when you don’t have too much time.
Music style?
Favourite colour?
Let’s begin with the freak part… What’s your favourite project in wich you have worked?
After 10 years working on dozens of projects, it’s difficult to choose a favorite. Each project under contract / independent supposes a new illusion and a new challenge for me. If I had to pick one… I think I would choose Sonoro TV a completely independent experimental game for the PC that did not get very good sales but did gave us a lot of experience, good press and public criticism and several industry awards.
What browser and operating system are you using?
I usually work with Microsoft Internet Explorer browser (our games must reach as many people as possible, so we use the majority system but perhaps not the best). We recently acquired a couple of Macs in the company and I am loving it.
Why Devilishgames?
DevilishGames born as a need to keep our artistic creativity a step further. Devilish was founded in 1998 by Fran my brother and me, just with the intention of see our pictures moving on a computer screen. After several years learning and developing small free games we started to promote ourselves and to receive more orders, and in 2004 we decided to professionalize and establish our company Spherical Pixel SL. – DevilishGames with my partner David Henry Catalayud.
Since then we have developed our own games and games on demand for many different platforms, PC, Mobile, Web, Multiplayer work for clients like MTV Network, Euroleague Basketball, Prosegur, Ford and publishing our games with Garage Games, Big Fish Games or ArmorGames.
From the begining the main objective of Devilish has been creating games with a great personality, originals and make them reac as many people as possible. When we become a company the main objective was the same, but now our games must be profitable.
What project are you currently working?
Actually I am working in the direction and artistic part of a Devilish Flash advergame in which we are developing for a motorcycles brand. If all goes fine, the game will be released in a couple of weeks. I am also making outsourcing art for a game development of an independent Swedish company… and in several other projects that I cann’t tell yet. Actually my life is pretty full. In a small company like Devilish I work from art and design of video games to the most boring implementation of development proposals and monitoring budgets.
Do you think Web 2.0 has given everything it has to give?
I think that the Web can still give much more than it has, every day there are new ideas and much remains an open field for innovation… regardless of whether the so-called Web 2.0… or Web 3.0.
And what about flash technology?
We have been using Flash from it’s early versions and have witnessed growth over the years. Actually it has become a great tool for programmers and artists. We use it primarily for the development of games with sponsors and advergaming Web, but development is so convenient and powerful that we have used for offline games on CD-ROM games and for advertising Stands. It’s a very flexible tool that can be used for vector illustration, animation and programming… almost a full game without using other tools. I really think that Flash has a great potential that can still grow much in coming years with the 3D implementation and multiplayer systems.
What’s the meaning of usability for you?
I think that an interface is usable when it allows the user to do whatever he wants, in an intuitive way. For many years has not been given the necessary attention to this aspect, both on websites and in video games… but now things are changing.
To me an example of usability is the Nintendo Wii and some of their games like Wii Fit or Wii Sports. It is really amazing the love and the work they have invested in achieving simplified interfaces so that everyone can understand even the first case of concepts and new ways to control completely. Today for a small company or project, it’s a key factor. If you have a well known product and well advertising, you can forgive some failures or unnecessary steps because he knows that the reward will be good. But if you have a completely unknown interface should be as friendly as possible so the user doesn’t end up frustrated and go elsewhere.
Thank you so much one more time David and simply ask you: Want to add something more to readers of yensdesign?
Thank you for giving me space on your website. For readers of yensdesing, they would continue visiting the site because it really has very interesting articles.
And that’s all guys! One more time, thank you for your time David Ferriz and good luck with your projects!
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