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Underground Elegance: New Theme Released!

Hi there guys! I have spent my spare time in creating a new theme theme for submit it to Themeforest, but finally I decided to sell it directly in yensdesign for a lower price 9$
I tried to create an underground template for personal websites such portfolios, combining darks colors, with blues and light grays with smooth gradients. I am really happy with the final result.
I called it Underground Elegance, judge for yourselves
I am really excited to see if some of our visitors are really interested in buy our themes over here…
You have more information about the theme, just continue reading.
I have used some interesting things in javascript like validation form and a fade in / out effect to the transition between category projects and an animate scrolldown to display each section.
- Valid XHTML Transitional 1.0
- Valid CSS 2 .1
- Table less layout
- Validation Form via Javascript
- Interactive Gallery
- Tested and working in all common browsers
- Easy to Customize
- Lightweight File size
Buy the Underground Elegance Theme!
The theme is available for 9$ and you can pay it via paypal:
Comments about the theme please!!
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We available for hire! — Need help with a web or mobile project?
From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.
This is what I call a great theme! Incredible work! Congratulations.
Thank you Javier
Great design, yet it would probably make sense to do ALL text with css, sometimes it will look slightly worse, but at least it edits a lot easier and that’s what people want if they buy layouts. (And I get you will add the gimp, fireworks or photoshop files to it, but none the less its a good thing to always try.)
Thank you for your comments as always David!
I don’t need to say, just looking this wonderful theme says by itself!
Great work and congratulations to decided to sell the theme here!
Yes, I think is a great idea if you can make some themes like this one time to time. I know tutorials are hard to write and consume a lot of time, so I think the less we can do is to get some of these themes from you for rewarding your work. Furthermore, they are really cool.
Thank you for all!
I really liked the scroll effect! I didn’t noticed until now. Really good work!
Theme is nice but I am not satisfied with typography specially in About me part.
This theme is nice, good design
@iGameFlash thank you so much
Dude this is a really good design, you shouldn’t sell yourself short for 9 bucks.
Great webdesign very goods webstyle.
Best Rg
wow.. it’s a very cool template dude! very simple, clean, and elegant. keep on rockin’!!
Great Work! clean, simple but also attractive!