February 18th, 2009
It’s the turn of the GIFs images in our optimization image process of Speeding Up Your Website series.
We are going to learn how to reduce the file size of our GIFs images without losing quality, converting to PNG and optimizing GIF animations.
We are going to use ImageMagick and GIFsicle to achieve it.
Actually we have published these articles:
So let’s dive into the tutorial guys!
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gif, optimize, optimize gif, optimize images, speeding up
Articles, Tutorials
February 14th, 2009
Hi there guys! This time we are featuring a new recent pack of icons from Smashing Magazine and Soft Facade. It’s called Smashing Retro:

The pack contains 10 high quality free “vintage” icons in .PNG format to use in any kind of personal and commercial projects without any restrictions.
You can download the entire Smashing Retro Icon Set here.
Thanks for all guys one more time and stay tunned! We will release our next optimization tutorial very soon!
Don’t forget follow us on twitter and visit our forums!
free, free pack, Freebies, high quality, icons, smashing, vintage
Freebies, Web Design
February 11th, 2009
Hey guys! We continue the serie of Speeding Up Your Website with a new article focused on the optimization of PNGs images.
We are going to learn how to reduce the file size of our PNGs images without losing quality, removing these chunks of information that we won’t need to display the images.
We will use pngcrush for our purposes but we will share with you other alternatives.
Actually we have published these articles:
Let’s go guys!
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optimize, optimize images, optimize png, png, speeding up
Articles, Tutorials
February 8th, 2009
Hi guys! Are you looking for some icons focused in Office Tools? So Office Tools from seifito it’s your pack!
Office Tools Pack contains 8 high quality icons in 3 formats: .ICO, .ICNS and .PNG to use for free in your personal projects but unfortunately not in your commercial projects.

Yo can download the Office Tools Pack by clicking here.
Have a nice day and see you soon guys!
Boost up your creative skills using EX0-101 design tutorials and 350-030 guide . we offer expert 640-553 resources to help you create exclusive icons focusing office tool for your personal web project.
8, free, Freebies, icons, office tools
Freebies, Web Design
February 6th, 2009
In last article we have seen wich kind of image format we can use in each situation in our websites, so now it’s time to know how to optimize these images.
We are going to learn how to optimize our JPEGs images by reducing useless information and without losing quality in very clear steps.
We are going to use jpegtran to our purposes of optimization.
Actually we have published these articles:
Let’s dive into the tutorial guys!
Read the rest of this entry »
jpeg, optimize, optimize images, optimize jpeg, speeding up
Articles, Tutorials
February 5th, 2009
Hi there guys! We continue recommending you more free icons to improve your web designs.
This time we are presenting you 59 free fresh and lively icons with a high quality. The pack is named FRESH ADD-ON:

The Fresh Add-on contains such useful and flexibly applicable icons as application and financial symbols. Lot of formats such as: icns, ico, png and tif.
You can download the pack here.
The pack contains too the .ai file to open them in illustrator. Thanks for all guys, enjoy it!
59, addon, free, Freebies, fresh, icons
Freebies, Web Design
February 3rd, 2009
Hi guys! We continue the optimization series with this new part focused in select the right format of our images to spend less resources and speed up our websites.
After knowing how to begin our optimization process with the article titled Minimize HTTP Requests we are going to learn how to pick the right format of our images: GIF, JPEG or PNG.
Actually we have published these articles:
So let’s dive into the second part of these series: Selecting the Right Format for your Images.
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optimize, optimize images, speeding up
Articles, Tutorials
February 2nd, 2009

Since we started the blog we haven’t stopped publishing tutorials mainly focused in web usability, interfaces and javascript. Specifically, we have been using in most cases the javascript jQuery library.
Today we are honored to interview one of the most responsible for integrating javascript much easier, more powerful and faster on our Web applications, today we are interviewing John Resig, creator of jQuery.
Let’s dive into the interview guys
Read the rest of this entry »
interview, javascript, john resig, jquery
Articles, Interviews
February 1st, 2009
Hi guys! Just want to say you thanks for all and share with you our last month stats.
It was a month of records, we have grown a 97%, I cann’t believe it. Here you have some numbers:
- 65.500 unique visitors
- 105.500 page views
- 330 feedburner readers
We have visitors from all kind of locations and 3 new advertisers: Projectthingy, Retireat21 and Gimmestock.
So guys THANK YOU FOR ALL! We will still rocking with more tutorials and freebies
PD: Tomorrow we will be publishing a great interview for those javascript and jQuery lovers.
News, record, stats, yensdesign
General, News
January 30th, 2009
Yeah guys! One more time we have surpassed a new daily unique visitors record, thanks for all! This month yensdesign.com is growing so fast!
This time we are featuring a free pack of 177 vector icons designed by Oliver Twardowski for Smashingmagazine. It’s called flavour:

The set is available as a free download and you can freely use it for both your private and commercial projects.There are 177 vector icons and their sources to modify them as you wish.
I am really impressive with this set, very talented, kudos for Oliver!
Download the pack (2.0MB)
Download the sources (.PSD files, 5.9MB)
Via Smashingmagazine, visit the original post for further information.
Get professional 640-816 training to pass 642-436 exam and learn how to design beautiful web icons using 220-702 design resources.
177 icons, flavour, free, Freebies, icons, vector
Freebies, Web Design