January 11th, 2011
Hi again guys! Long time no see
I just want to share with you that I’m actually releasing a new Premium WordPress Community theme titled: Cracks — “only the best”, here you have a screenshot linking to the theme:

Theme description
cracks is an awesome and professional WordPress theme for those who need a community or personal blog to publish elegant and structured content without sacrificing readibility and functionality.
Since it’s a community theme, all publications are accompanied by info about the author.
It comes with a full customizable sidebar with counters for twitter and RSS feedburner, a cool gallery importar from flickr, a fully functional contact page, and much more…
For your convenience it comes with a complete documentation to configure (step by step with lot of images) your wordpress and theme, customize it and more.
You can buy it on Themeforest.
Yensdesign would like to thank GoPromotional for the fantastic Promotional Gifts.
In addition this theme can be used on a vps hosting plan. Details of shared hosting and VPS plans can be found at www.cheapwebhostingseller.com an industry recognized resource on budget hosting.
new, theme, themeforest
Themes, Web Design
October 1st, 2009
Ey guys! Maybe you remember the last post about the Ontuts theme… so I am just want to let you know that We are launching a new blog tutorials called Web.Ontuts focused in spanish web tutorials.
Here you have a little description (in spanish):
Después de varios meses de planificación nos hemos decidido a lanzar Web.Ontuts, una web enfocada al desarrollo y diseño de páginas web de calidad. Existe mucha información a cerca de estos temas, pero en su mayoría está publicada en inglés. Queremos demostrar que también se puede generar contenido técnico de calidad en español.
Estamos realmente contentos de poder anunciar, lanzar y estrenar por fin web.Ontuts. Esperamos que toda la información que publicaremos os sea de gran ayuda para vuestros proyectos y os invitamos a que conozcáis más sobre los temas que trataremos en próximas publicaciones…
You can read the entire post presentation over here.
Thanks for all and see you soon guys!
ontuts, tutoriales, web
No Comments »
August 17th, 2009
Ey guys! I have finished a new theme released in Themeforest, it’s named “Ontuts” and it was designed for those who need a smooth and elegant template.
As you can see, it is made with the intention of use it for website tutorials like psdtuts, nettuts and so on… and other kind of “community” blogs. I hope you like it, here you have a working preview.

So waiting for your comments and I hope you like it!
design, ontuts, release, theme, themeforest
News, Themes, Web Design
June 8th, 2009
About the author
Hi guys, I am Prathap Beschi, PHP programmer from Balyhoo Advertsing, Chennai, India. I like developing ajax websites, jquery plugins. Follow me on TWITTER.
This tutorial is an improvement of How to load content via AJAX in jQuery.
We are going to learn how to make safe ajax links – ajax links that work properly though the browser does not support javascript.
I always worry about ajax links; what if the user’s browser is not enabled javascript?! They can’t go further pages.
Already i have developed some ajax websites, so i want to overcome this problem. We can make a ajax website work properly though there is no javascript with a simple trick. I use Jquery for ajax development, so now i explain this with Jquery.
Read the rest of this entry »
ajax, Fast Tips, jquery
Coding, Tips, Tutorials
June 3rd, 2009
Today nobody really questions benefits of using source level debuggers for any language including PHP – debugger is simply a tool, necessity in everyday programmers work. However, it is interesting to note that code validating tools are much less known and it is those tools that are very valuable addition to debuggers in code development.
Traditionally, in compiled languages, certain part of code validation (type checking, checking for non-initialized variables) are usually taken by compiler, but besides compiler there are also external tools used to conduct this task (for example checkstyle for Java). This article deals with use of one of those tools (Codenizer) during development of PHP applications.
Read the rest of this entry »
debug, php
Articles, Coding, Fast Tips
June 3rd, 2009
Hi there guys! Long time ago from the last freebie eh? This time I want to show you a new free icon set called Monofactor Icon Set 1.

The pack contains 25 free and scalable icons with a high quality in Illustrator format. It’s licenced under Creative Commons License and you will be able to use it on your personal but non commercial projects.
You can download the entire Monofactor Icon Set 1 here.
Note: You can open the .ai file with any version of Illustrator above 8.0. With earlier versions, you might loose some of the effects on the icons.
With 646-364 course, learn how to design beautiful web icons for your personal website. Learn the useful tips and techniques using 642-661 guide and 642-504 tutorials.
free, free pack, Freebies, icons, monofactor, scalable
Freebies, Web Design
April 25th, 2009
Hi there guys! As I told you, me (Adrian) and Ivan don’t have so much time to post more tutorials in yensdesign at this time, so we are searching for people that want to write tutorials in yensdesign and promote himself showing his stuff.
What do you need to write tutorials in yensdesign?
All of you can write in yensdesign just read that:
- Write clear and new tutorials divided in steps (like ours)
- Write in english (you will do it better than use for sure lol!)
- Write tutorials that aren’t published in anywhere
- Tutorials about web design and coding (css, html, javascript, php, mysql, layouts in psd… etc)
What do you get in return?
All posts will have a little presentation attached about the author to let (a lot of!) readers know more about you and (of course) the satisfaction on helping others to learn more about web design and coding
So just e-mail me or post a comment please!
News, write, yensdesign
General, News
March 20th, 2009

As some of you may know, there is a new Internet Explorer 8 released 1 day ago. I didn’t test the beta version and didn’t download yet the new one (maybe when “Multiples Explorers” program add the IE8). But taking a look at some of the advantages? new features? of the 8 version makes me sad, very sad.
Read the rest of this entry »
acid test 3, ie8, internet explorer 8
Articles, News
March 17th, 2009
Hi there guys! First of all let me say you what’s Erasmusu:
Erasmusu is a social network created for exchange students with international mobility programs (all countries), such as ERASMUS, ISEP, Leonardo, Faro, Argo, Seneca, Swallow, etc…
It’s the next big project of Cokidoo (our startup) and we are competing for a big money prize (about 100.000 €) in the BBVA Open Talent competition.
How can you help us?
Just Use this widget to vote us by clicking in Vote/Votar:
Some of you asked us how to say thank us for all tutorial and here you have the answer! We will be very very happy if the big community of yensdesign can help us to grow up in our projects
Want an invitation for Erasmusu?
We are setting up all to release Erasmusu about this week so if you want an invitation you can equest your invitation by filling this simple form.
Join to Erasmusu Facebook Group and Twitter!
Got a Facebook account? Sign up in our Facebook group and share it with your friends!
And yes! We got Twitter too! You can follow the development process and thoughts of our project via Twitter, just follow us!
Thank you so much one more time!
Just say you thank you one more time for your support and we hope to publish more tutorials very soon. But at this moment we are really focused in Erasmusu We hope you can understand it!
cokidoo, erasmusu, open talent, Personal, projects, support
General, News, Personal
March 12th, 2009
Hi there guys we are back again! As some of you may know me (Adrián Mato) and my mate Iván Guardado working were very busy on a new incoming social network focused in exchange students.
It’s called erasmusu and it will be the main project of our new startup Cokidoo. We are still working hard but now can take a time to write more articles here on yensdesign.
Just want to say THANK YOU guys for your support, for following us on twitter and for all your trackbacks to our articles. It’s amazing to see how we still having a lot of unique visitors each day after a month without posts
So thank you guys one more time for your understanding and still tunned to yensdesign!
Oh! By the way… special thanks to android24 who has helped me to check the english translation of erasmusu. I cann’t believe how people help to others without expecting a reward
back, cokidoo, erasmusu, General
General, News