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Posts Tagged ‘dark’

Dark Elegance: New Theme on Themeforest Released!

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Hi there guys! Last hours I have spent my spare time in creating a simple and elegant theme for submit it to Themeforest, a new marketplace where users can submit and buy (x)HTML, WordPress, Joomla themes and more.

I tried to create a clean template for personal websites such portfolios, combining darks colors and light grays with smooth gradients. I am really happy with the final result, considering the time invested in the theme.

I called it Dark Elegance, judge for yourselves :)

Checkout Boobles theme!

I have used some interesting things in javascript like validation form and a fade in / out effect to the transition between category projects.

Talking about validation form… I will try to post something about how to validate basic forms in javascript / jQuery.

Comments about the theme please!!