yensdesign – Tutorials, Web Design and Coding

Daily free tutorials about web design, coding, jquery and more

Posts Tagged ‘stats’

January 2009 Stats

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

Hi guys! Just want to say you thanks for all and share with you our last month stats.

It was a month of records, we have grown a 97%, I cann’t believe it. Here you have some numbers:

  • 65.500 unique visitors
  • 105.500 page views
  • 330 feedburner readers

We have visitors from all kind of locations and 3 new advertisers: Projectthingy, Retireat21 and Gimmestock.

So guys THANK YOU FOR ALL! We will still rocking with more tutorials and freebies :D

PD: Tomorrow we will be publishing a great interview for those javascript and jQuery lovers.