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Preview: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I)

Hi there guys! Since some of you are asking about the next big tutorial, here you have a brief of the first part of the tutorial in a video:
As you can see, it’s about creating (one more time) interfaces in javascript, this time we will try to recreate an operation web system from scratch without third party plugins as UI jQuery or the draggable.js.
We will release the first part tutorial this Monday, so stay tuned!
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We available for hire! — Need help with a web or mobile project?
From yensdesign we develop technology projects based on web apps, mobile apps, consulting and databases. We are young and hard workers, passionate about innovation and focused in new technologies. We try to help you, sharing our knowledge acquired on worked projects, while helping the community and showing our capabilities.If you want to ask for a budget, we hare available for hire! Don't doubt in get in touch with us!.
Wow, wait anxiously. Think this will something incredible.
I am not sure if it will be incredible, but it will be useful, sure ^^
Very interesting, I ‘m waiting for it.
But I don’t understand one thing, or it can be an error. You said in the title of the article that this will be done using jQuery, but later, without it, or the “draggable.js” plugin. How It will be done? ^^
You are doing a great work here
@16BITBoy jQuery is a javascript third party library and we will use it, but most of projects use in addition UI jQuery and draggable module, and others, but we will do it in our own because UI jQuery and draggable have a lot of code that we won’t use
[...]Jquery tuts – серия руководств к действию[...]
Can you give more details on this?