January 19th, 2009
As we used to think and say over here, sharing knowledge it’s a great way to help others. This time we bring to you four free ebooks about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web programming, javascript, web design and more topics about web development / design.
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design, development, ebooks, free pack, freebie, Freebies, web
Articles, Freebies
January 17th, 2009
Hi there guys! Via Smashingmagazine I have found a new set of totally free icons for our websites:
This set of 8 high quality icons was designed by David Mottram, containing all icons in .PNG format in resolutions 64×64px, 128×128px and 256×256px.
As I said, the set is available for download for free and can be used for any kind of purposes. It means that you can use it for personal and commercial projects, but cann’t be reselled, sublincensed, and so on…
Happy freebie guys, and thank you so much for helping us to grow so fast!
As always, remember you can follow us on twitter and solve your doubts in our forums!
design, free pack, freebie, Freebies, icons tools, web
Freebies, Web Design
January 16th, 2009
Hi guys! If you have been reading our own entries lately, maybe you remember an old post titled How to create a plugin for jQuery in which you can see different ways to add functionality to jQuery library. This time we will learn more about that kind of things…
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to create a simple but useful jQuery plugin that allows you to limit the max characters content in your textareas and input text.
You can try the living example before continue reading the tutorial.
Tested in: Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, Safari & Chrome.
Let’s go!
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January 15th, 2009
Last January 14th 2009 was the birthday of our lovely jQuery javascript library, Happy Birthday! Since January 14th 2006 jQuery team were improving more and more the library and yesterday they have released a new version: jQuery 1.3. And as you may suppose it comes with new great features:
- Sizzle: A sizzlin’ hot CSS selector engine.
- Live Events: Event delegation with a jQuery twist.
- jQuery Event Overhaul: Completely rewired to simplify event handling.
- HTML Injection Rewrite: Lightning-fast HTML appending.
- Offset Rewrite: Super-quick position calculation.
So guys, let’s jump into new features, taking a look to some tests performance to see what’s going on with this 1.3 jQuery version and his performance.
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happy birthday, jquery, jquery 1.3, new release, News, release
Articles, News, Web Design
January 14th, 2009
Hi guys today I want to recommend you a new marketplace where you can find high resolution images from 1$. It’s called Gimmestock:
I have found them a few days ago while i was looking for some landscape images and now they are part of our advertisement system
Let’s take a look at the system and the opportunities that they offer to authors to sell their own images.
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gimmestock, images, marketplaces, resources, review
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January 14th, 2009
Hi guys! Here we have a new free icons set composed of 20 icons specially designed for Web applications:
As you can see icons have a 3D effect and glossy style.
Icons come in 3 sizes; 48×48 px, 32×32 px, and 24×24 px. All of them are in PNG format with transparent background. Web Application Icons Set is completely Free for both personal and commercial projects in any way you like.
These icons were made by WebAppers.
Our JK0-016 web designing course will take your creative skills up to next level. Learn how to create unique web icons using 642-456 design tutorial and 642-384 guide.
design, free pack, Freebies, icons, web, webappers
Freebies, Web Design
January 13th, 2009
Hi guys and welcome to a new tutorial of yensdesign.com! Some of you ask us about the possibility of create a tutorial about how to validate forms in server side (using PHP). So i wrote a tutorial about it, adding some interesting features with jQuery:
We are going to learn how to validate your forms using PHP and jQuery in both sides: client side (using javascript with jQuery) and server side (using PHP). It will be interesting to see how to use regular expressions to validate different kind of e-mails, passwords and more.
As always, here you have a preview of what we are going to do:
You can try the living example before continue reading the tutorial. Remember that if you want to try the server side, you need to disable javascript in your web browser!
Tested in: Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, Safari & Chrome.
Let’s learn guys!
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forms, javascript, jquery, php, tutorial, Tutorials, validate, Web Design
Coding, Tutorials, Web Design
January 12th, 2009
Hi there guys! Last hours I have spent my spare time in creating a simple and elegant theme for submit it to Themeforest, a new marketplace where users can submit and buy (x)HTML, WordPress, Joomla themes and more.
I tried to create a clean template for personal websites such portfolios, combining darks colors and light grays with smooth gradients. I am really happy with the final result, considering the time invested in the theme.
I called it Dark Elegance, judge for yourselves
![Checkout Boobles theme!](http://yensdesign.com/tutorials/darkelegance.jpg)
I have used some interesting things in javascript like validation form and a fade in / out effect to the transition between category projects.
Talking about validation form… I will try to post something about how to validate basic forms in javascript / jQuery.
Comments about the theme please!!
dark, dark elegance, design, elegance, themeforest, Themes, Web Design
Themes, Web Design
January 11th, 2009
Hi guys! While we are writting next tutorials about web development, we are recommending you new freebies for your projects.
This time is the Stationery Icon Set:
In this case we are presenting you the Stationery Icon Set composed of 22 totally free icons created by deziner.
It contains book, brush, crayon, clip, color pencils, document, eraser, pad, palette, post-it note, scale and scissors.
You can download the Stationary Icon Set here and remember that it contains the Fireworks source file too!
design, deziner, free pack, Freebies, icons, Tags:22, web
Freebies, Web Design
January 8th, 2009
Hi guys this time in Freebies we are presenting you a new pack of smooth and beautiful icons composed of 148 hand-crafted icons for personal and commercial purposes for free: Bright!
In Words of their creators:
IconEden.com would like to present one of our most lovely set of icons as a free gift, the Bright! Icon Set. This 148-icon set contains all crisp-shaped icons that are designed for wide use in web applications, multimedia and software. This is a meaningful giveaway from us to community, so you can use Bright! for free for your personal and commercial projects.
Remember that you can download the pack here or by clicking the image above.
We hope you can use it to improve a little more your web applications
Founded via: Webappers.
148, bright, free, Freebies, hand-crafted, icons, resources, Web Design
Freebies, Web Design
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